Monday 25 January 2010

The mysteries of the water leak.

Ever since I've had Watanga the damn thing has leaked,  at first it was a major headache and there was one serious problem the would in certain sea conditions cause quite a lot of water to come aboard.   Anyways over the four years I've had the boat I have corrected, sealed,  and genearally made good imperfections and design fault leaks.  But this latest one has got me stumped.  The boats on dry land, and it hasn't rained since I last emptied the port bilge.  Theres an inch of water in it ????????????.  Forward and aft are dry.   I think I must be going nuts.   Is the boat just sucking it out of the air?   Why only the port bilge.

To be honest there isn't a great deal of insulation internally  and the port side is in shade most of the day so it could be condensation.   It does produce large amounts of condensation, but just seems excessive and not consistant with other years in the same spot.  Ho Hum.

I found a great piece of youtube the other day.  It reminded me of a similar event that happened to my son Luke on a Ryan Air flight out of Belfast I think.  He watched baggage handlers mishandling his guitar, (They wouldn't allow it in the cabin) and when he recovered it the neck had been broken.  See what you think.  

Now on the way into the house I saw a Redwing (Turdus iliacus) in the garden. I have to admit I thought it was a thrush but saw the same bird pictured the blog Purbeck Footprints  (see favourites). Thanks to the RSPB bird indentifier website I am now a better informed bird watcher.
This little fella is the UK's smallest thrush, and comes all the way from Scandinavia.  Only very few nest in Britain.

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